Creating Instructor-led Courses

Instructor-led courses are led by an instructor, have definite start and end dates, live sessions, and can include learning materials and tests. Instructor-led courses are not available in the Browse courses tab. The Instructor (users with Instructor privileges), Content Manager (users with Content Manager privileges), or Course Administrator (users with Administrative privileges)  has to manage the course enrollments, add/remove the learners, and course attendance. You can decide whether the course offers a certificate by configuring and selecting the certificate template.

Creating an Instructor-led course

To create a new Instructor-led course, click on the Manage > Courses tab. Then click on the Instructor-led courses > Courses tab and Create course button to start creating instructor-led course templates.

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Course Information

In this section, you may provide the basic information of the course.

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In the Course Information section:

  • Select the course category, subcategory and course level.
  • Enter the course title and description.
  • Click on the Save button to navigate to the Course Settings section.

Course Settings

This section helps you to configure the course author, course owner, and groups/subgroups to which course is accessible for.

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Course Settings helps you to configure the:

  • Search tags or Topics to which the course is related to (tags based on which the course can be searched)
  • Authors or Contributors (external or internal authors) are entered to acknowledge their contributions and give them due credit.
  • Course owner(s) (course owner can manage the course provided he/she has the required roles and permissions)
  • Who can see this course (groups/learning groups/sub groups to which this course is available). The course will be available for the members of the selected groups, learning groups, and their subgroups.

Setting prerequisites for the course

  • To add a prerequisite for the course, choose Yes in the ‘This course has prerequisites’ option. 
  • The ‘General Instructions’ section will be enabled if you have chosen the ‘Yes’ option. Enter the general instructions, if any.

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  • Click on the Add prerequisite courses button to select the course the learner has to learn as a prerequisite before learning this course. 
  • Once you have selected the prerequisites course, click on the Add button.

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  • On adding the prerequisite course, you can mark it as mandatory. 

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Including Certificate for the course

  • Choose the Yes option adjacent to ‘This course offers a certificate’. 
  • The learner will be issued a certificate for successfully completing the course. 
  • Click on the icon below to select the course certificate template from the available templates. Refer to the article Managing Certificates

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  • Click on the Done button to save the changes made.
  • On the Course Settings page, click the Cancel button to cancel the course settings. 
  • Click on the Previous button. A confirmation message appears, and you may click on the Confirm button to go to the Course Information section.
  • Click on the Save button to save the course settings. 
  • Click the Next button to navigate to the next screen to create the course units.

Course Structure


A course is made up of one or more units. You can key in the name of the unit, enter a brief description about the unit (gives a clear understanding for the learners about the unit) and click on the tick button to save and start creating the course. 

  • You can add contents, tests, assignments, and sessions to each unit. Click the Add Unit button on the top right to add another unit.

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Adding Content

  • Click on the Add content button to add the course contents.
  • Enter the content name and click on the tick mark to save.
  • You can add the course contents as text, video file, audio file, pdf document, image or as a SCORM file. 
  • You can edit the title and description of the video, audio, and SCORM package.
  • Also, you can hold and drag the item to rearrange the course material.

Adding test

  • Click on the Add test button to add a graded or guided test for this course. 
  • Guided tests are meant to reinforce the concepts and to help learners assess their understanding.
  • Guided tests can be taken any number of times. 
  • It provides responses for every answer option, to let the learner know if the answer is correct or incorrect and why.
  • For guided tests, you can click on the options to get the correct answer. 
  • For graded tests, there is a pass criteria and a limit on the number of attempts.  The scores are recorded based on which the instructor can evaluate the learners. Refer to this article to learn more about creating tests.

Adding assignment

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  • Click on the Add assignment button to add an assignment for this course. 
  • Enter the assignment name, number of days to submit the assignment, assignment description, learner declaration, and attachments to be provided to the learners. 
  • Click on the Save button to save the assignment for the course.

Adding Session

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  • Click on the Add session button to add a session for this course. 
  • Enter session details such as title and description. 
  • Also, in the description box, you can add the session details with the link to the live webinar. 
  • In the session recording field, you can share the session recording link, after the session ends. Click on the Save button to save the changes made.Units

Previewing the course

Click the Preview button to review the course before publishing it (provided you have the required roles and permissions). All the details provided under Course Settings and Course Information can be previewed in the Course Introduction section.

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  • All the units and the contents/sessions/tests/assignments within it can be previewed sequentially or by clicking on the required section on the left side menu.

Publishing the course

Click the Publish button to publish the course once it’s complete (provided you have the required roles and permissions)

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